Sunday, May 09, 2010

Mother's Day

My mother has always been an inspiration to me. Full of generosity yet humble in spirit. Ever resourceful and selfless in nature, she let's her actions speak more than her words.

Mom used to tell me this story about a little girl she knew back in the Philippines. This girl was extremely social, and popular amongst her many friends. Of course, many of her friends came from underprivileged families, lacked basic needs, proper clothes, and sometimes went hungry at school. Meanwhile, this little girl came from a loving family who cared for all her needs, ensuring she was fed and clothed.

Her family happened to own a small rice field, which at harvest time her family would pick the rice stalks to sell at the rice mill. During harvest season, the girl would come after school to glean the fields for left over rice stalks. She'd collect as many stalks of rice and proceed to laboriously remove the rice grains into a 5 gallon bucket, which she brought to rice mills where she could sell a bucket for 50 some odd pesos.

Proud of her small collection, she was eager for school the next day, where she then shared her spoils with her friends to ensure they didn't go hungry. That little girl was my mother!

And now many years later, I still see that love and sense of purpose in mom's life. She's always talking about ways to help others no matter how far we go in life. She's always taught me the importance of having good character. I hope I can make you proud.

So on this day, I simply say... Thank you Mom!

Happy Mother's Day!

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